Chappell Peaches

Adapting to a Changing Climate Over Four Generations

As a 4th generation farmer, Ken Chappell’s knowledge on peaches and their history here in the south is immense. For instance, did you know that in the early 1900s, northerners came down south to start peach orchards in our favorable warm weather so they could ship them back up north in ice boxes on railroad trains? To this day, you’ll see that the many of the peach farms in the sandhills (including Ken’s) are located right next to railroad tracks.

Steeped in tradition AND adapting to the needs of a changing climate, Ken Chappell utilizes modern renewable technology to protect his crops. As Ken has been seeing warmer temps earlier and earlier in the season, trees are flowering as early as February, making open flower buds vulnerable to a late winter freeze. As a solution, Ken uses huge wind turbines on-farm to control air flow and temperature on these fickle fruits.

“We’ve got four of them, and they work together pretty good. We try to work them together, so to keep that warm air coming to the ground, push that cold air back up and mix it,” Chappell said. “We can raise that temperature about four degrees.”

The added plus is, of course, renewable energy for the farm!

We’ve got amazing XL peaches from Chappell Peaches this week. These peaches are BIGGER and JUICIER than those we’ve had so far this season! Throw these fruits on the grill with some Joyce Farms Chicken, Moore Brothers Beef Patties, or other peak-season produce for a grilling feast to suit all tastes. Try your hand at this simple grilled peach salad:


  • Olive oil
  • Arugula – LOCAL
  • Cherry tomatoes – LOCAL
  • Blueberries – LOCAL
  • Sliced almonds or pecans
  • Chapel Hill Creamery Mozzarella Cheese
  • Vinaigrette – homemade or purchased!
  1. Cut peaches into slices and toss gently with oil.
  2. Grill for 2-3 minutes on each side until the peaches have gentle grill marks on both sides. Remove and set aside.
  3. Layer greens, sliced cherry tomatoes, blueberries, nuts, cheese, and sliced grilled peaches.
  4. Toss with vinegarette of your choice!